Earrings Cubic Zirconia CZ Earring Wardrobe CZ Earrings
$ 36
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We have been offered a limited number of these wonderful genuine Cubic Zirconia earring wardrobes at an incredible price. There are twelve pair of these beautiful Cubic Zirconia earrings in two shapes, 7MM round (which translates to 1-1/4 carats in diamonds each2) and 6 x 6MM squares which can be worn on the square or on the diagonal. There are six colors, one in each shape: orange-red, lavender, lemon, pink, light honey topaz and clear. The earrings are on posts for pierced ears with clear, soft plastic clutches. They come on their own plexiglass/lucite stand to keep them organized and handy. It makes a beautiful display too. This would make a wonderful gift as well. Imagine! Twelve pair of beautiful Cubic Zirconia earrings, one pair for each month of the year, at a cost of $3. per pair! What a fabulous buy and what a beautiful look! (#27211-EarringWardrobeCubicZirconia) To order this Cubic Zirconia Earring Wardrobe, just click on the blue shopping cart button to the left of the picture, or email us at:
Adon13@aol.com or telephone us at 773-929-9007 or fax us at 773-525-1920.
Price: $ 36
Color: Orange-red, Lemon, Amethyst, Light Honey Topaz, Pink, Clear
Dimensions: 7MM Round; 6 x 6MM Square
Manufacturer Date: Contemporary
Vendors Item# 27211
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For additional information or to place an order for this item, please feel free to email us at Adon13@aol.com or call (773) 929-9007.
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